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- Littérature
- Jeunesse
- Bandes dessinées / Comics / Mangas
- Policier & Thriller
- Romance
- Fantasy & Science-fiction
- Vie pratique & Loisirs
- Tourisme & Voyages
- Arts et spectacles
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- Entreprise, économie & droit
- Sciences humaines & sociales
- Sciences & Techniques
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- Dictionnaires / Encyclopédies / Documentation
Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- Oxford Bookworms 3e 2
- 31 Décembre 2015
- 9780194620734
The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194790642
Treasure island
Robert Louis Stevenson
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194791908
Jim Hawkins sets sail in search of Treasure Island. But on board ship, Jim discovers a mutinous plan, led by Long John Silver. Plunged into a world of swashbucklers, murderous pirates and deceit, Jim's enduring story is an account of courage, guile and wit.
Oxford learner's pocket dictionary (fourth edition)
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194398725
Grammar friends 2 student book
Tim Ward
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 26 Février 2009
- 9780194780018
The step by step grammar presentations in Grammar Friends introduce form, use and meaning in a way that even young beginner learners can understand and remember. The series is an ideal supplement to any elementary course book series. Builds accuracy and confidence : graded written exercises provide practice and reinforcement. Puts the focus on grammar : familiar contexts and situations, using basic vocabulary, enable pupils to concentrate on learning grammar.
Revises and consolidates : regular revision units provide extra practice. Interactive practice : the student website features additional exercises and tests for even more practice at home or independently at school. Photocopiable tests : included in the Teacher's Book, plus answer key.
Romeo and Juliet
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 1 Avril 2008
- 9780199535897
This innovative edition offers modernized texts not only of the 1599 quarto but also of the short, or 'bad', quarto of 1597, regarding each as witness to a 'mobile text' which changed in composition as Shakespeare wrote it and which has continued to evolve throughout its richly varied history, both in the theatre and in film, television, opera, and ballet. The more familiar 1599 text is accompanied by a detailed explanatory commentary. The Introduction traces the Romeo and Juliet narrative from its origins in myth through its adaptation in the novella, and shows how Shakespeare's transmutation of the story reflects contemporary concerns
Oxford bookworms library: starter level:: king arthur: 250 headwords
Janet Hardy-Gould
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194234146
It is the year 650 in England. There is war everywhere because the old king is dead and he has no son. Only when the new king comes can the fighting stop and the strange, magical story of King Arthur begin. But first, Merlin the ancient magician has to find a way of finding the next king .
New headway ; advanced exercices with key
Soars Liz, John Soars, Tim Falla
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 23 Octobre 2003
- 9780194369329
Love or money? niveau 1
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194789080
Brat Farrar ; niveau 5
Josephine Tey
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194792172
New headway; beginner ; livre de l'élève (3e édition)
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 4 Février 2010
- 9780194714563
New Headway Elementary 4 th edition: Workbook + Audio CD without Key 2019 Edition
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 1 Mai 2019
- 9780194770514
Happy street Tome 2 ; class book ; élève
Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780194338417
Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 17 Mars 2014
- 9780199672066
Le Dr Watson nous raconte les affaires les plus difficiles que le grand détective Sherlock Holmes a résolu avec l'aide de son compagnon de toujours. Le plus Britannique de tous les limiers procède avec méthode mais c'est toujours son intuition qui fait mouche !
Six enquêtes trépidantes qui ont donné du fil à retordre à nos deux héros.
Project third edition 2: workbook pack
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 5 Juin 2008
- 9780194763394
Happy street 1: class book
Stella Maidment
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 17 Août 2000
- 9780194338332
The Moonstone
Wilkie Collins
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 10 Juillet 2008
- 9780199536726
OBWL 2E Starter: The Mystery of Manor Hall
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 22 Novembre 2012
- 9780194785990
Everybody Up : Level 3: Student Book with Audio CD
Jackson / Sileci
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 24 Mars 2016
- 9780194107099
Playtime starter: coursebook
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 1 Mai 2012
- 9780194046534
Happy house 1 new: class book
Stella Maidment
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 5 Février 2009
- 9780194730532
One of the worlds most successful primary courses, the Happy Series is a six-level course thats perfectly in step with your students development. (2013-05-29)
Eighteenth century britain ; a very short introduction
Paul Langford
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780192853998
Family & friends 2e: 2 workbook & online practice pack
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 27 Février 2014
- 9780194808637
Features for Family and Friends 2nd edition include real-world fluency development with supporting DVD, interactive Online Practice, new and updated assessment and testing material, and additional culture focus sections.
Project Fourth Edition 2 Workbook with Audio CD
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 22 Mai 2014
- 9780194762908