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Harry Potter Tome 3 : Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban
J. K. Rowling
- Moonhak Soochup
- 19 Novembre 2019
- 9788983927767
Harry Potter Tome 2 : Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets
J. K. Rowling
- Sayzansha
- 8 Mai 2014
- 9784863892330
Presents a message is that it is ok to be different.
Enclosed under a vast dome, Snowglobe is the last place on Earth that's warm. Outside Snowglobe is a frozen wasteland, and every day, citizens face the icy world to get to their jobs at the power plant, where they produce the energy Snowglobe needs. Their only solace comes in the form of twenty-four-hour television programming streamed directly from the domed city.
The residents of Snowglobe have everything: fame, fortune, and above all, safety from the desolation outside their walls. In exchange, their lives are broadcast to the less fortunate outside, who watch eagerly, hoping for the chance to one day become actors themselves.
Chobahm lives for the time she spends watching the shows produced inside Snowglobe. Her favorite? Goh Around, starring Goh Haeri, Snowglobe's biggest star-and, it turns out, the key to getting Chobahm her dream life.
Because Haeri is dead, and Chobahm has been chosen to take her place. Only, life inside Snowglobe is nothing like what you see on television. Reality is a lie, and truth seems to be forever out of reach.
Translated for the first time into English from the original Korean, Snowglobe is a groundbreaking exploration of personal identity, and the future of the world as we know it. It is the winner of the Changbi X Kakaopage Young Adult Novel Award. -
A phenomenal worldwide bestseller for more than forty years, Richard Adams's Watership Down is a timeless classic and one of the most beloved novels of all time. Set in England's Downs, a once idyllic rural landscape, this stirring tale of adventure, courage and survival follows a band of very special creatures on their flight from the intrusion of man and the certain destruction of their home. Led by a stouthearted pair of brothers, they journey forth from their native Sandleford Warren through the harrowing trials posed by predators and adversaries, to a mysterious promised land and a more perfect society.
Auggie wants to be an ordinary ten-year-old. He does ordinary things - eating ice cream, playing on his Xbox. He feels ordinary - inside. But ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. Ordinary kids aren't stared at wherever they go.
Le loup qui voulait changer de couleur
Orianne Lallemand, Eléonore Thuillier
- Auzou
- Mes P'tits Albums A Ecouter
- 28 Août 2014
- 9782733825365
Une adaptation sonore de l'album "Le loup qui voulait changer de couleur" en version bilingue français/anglais : un livre ludique pour apprendre les jours et les couleurs en anglais. À chaque double page, l'enfant appuie sur une puce sonore et entend le loup parler anglais, grâce à la voix du comédien bilingue Stéphane de Vaux. Grâce au jeu de la répétition, l'enfant s'initie à l'anglais en s'amusant !
En page de gauche, l'enfant retrouve l'histoire en français.
Le loup qui apprivoisait ses émotions
Orianne Lallemand, Eléonore Thuillier
- Auzou
- Mes P'tits Albums
- 4 Juin 2020
- 9782733884416
Joyeux, triste, excité, jaloux... Loup change d'humeur à cent à l'heure. Avec lui, ses amis finissent par avoir le tournis ! Loup n'a pas le choix : il doit apprendre à se calmer. Oui, mais comment ?
Le Loup qui apprivoisait ses émotions en langue corse.
Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of her seventeen years. But when Olly moves in next door, and wants to talk to Maddie, tiny holes start to appear in the protective bubble her mother has built around her. Olly writes his IM address on a piece of paper, shows it at her window, and suddenly, a door opens. But does Maddie dare to step outside her comfort zone?
Features some of the most memorably drawn villains in all of fiction - the treacherous gangmaster Fagin, the menacing thug Bill Sikes, the Artful Dodger and their den of thieves in the grimy London backstreets.
Perfect for fans of Kasie West and Jenn Bennett, this «sweet and funny» (Kerry Winfrey, author of Waiting for Tom Hanks) teen rom-com follows a hopelessly romantic teen girl and her cute yet obnoxious neighbor as they scheme to get her noticed by her untouchable crush.
Perpetual daydreamer Liz Buxbaum gave her heart to Michael a long time ago. But her cool, aloof forever crush never really saw her before he moved away. Now that he's back in town, Liz will do whatever it takes to get on his radar-and maybe snag him as a prom date-even befriend Wes Bennet.
The annoyingly attractive next-door neighbor might seem like a prime candidate for romantic comedy fantasies, but Wes has only been a pain in Liz's butt since they were kids. Pranks involving frogs and decapitated lawn gnomes do not a potential boyfriend make. Yet, somehow, Wes and Michael are hitting it off, which means Wes is Liz's in.
But as Liz and Wes scheme to get Liz noticed by Michael so she can have her magical prom moment, she's shocked to discover that she likes being around Wes. And as they continue to grow closer, she must reexamine everything she thought she knew about love-and rethink her own ideas of what Happily Ever After should look like. -
Le loup qui révait d'océan
Orianne Lallemand, Eléonore Thuillier
- Auzou
- Mes P'tits Albums
- 23 Mai 2019
- 9782733867006
Un jour, Loup met la patte sur la carte au trésor du fameux pirate Barbeloup.
Commence alors une aventure extraordinaire qui va le mener à la découverte des secrets de l'océan : merveilles des fonds marins, rencontre avec le roi Poséïdon maisa ussi pollution et dangers...
Loup n'est pas au bout de ses surprises !
On a desolate tropical island, a shipwrecked British seaman tries to master his hostile environment and remain civilized.
Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord's return, but Harry is not alone: a secret order gathers at Grimmauld Place to fight against the Dark forces. Harry must allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort's savage assaults on his mind. But they are growing stronger by the day and Harry is running out of time.
These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It's time to PASS THE MAGIC ON .
Le Loup qui voulait être un super-héros
Orianne Lallemand, Eléonore Thuillier
- Auzou
- Mes P'tits Albums
- 16 Février 2017
- 9782733847404
Loup a une super-idée : et s'il devenait un super-héros ? Le temps d'enfiler un super-costume et le voici transformé en Super-Extra-Fabuloup ! Il ne lui reste plus qu'à trouver quelqu'un à sauver... Facile ? Pas si évident quand on est super-maladroit !
Avec 35 millions de touristes annuels, Paris est la première destination mondiale !
Ce "P'tits docs" explore, en anglais, la plus grande ville de France pour découvrir son histoire et ses lieux les plus emblématiques ou les plus insolites.
Pour accompagner la visite de tous les touristes en herbe
Un documentaire qui fait découvrir les principaux lieux et monuments parisiens, et d'autres plus confidentiels : Notre-Dame de Paris, la tour Eiffel, l'Arc de Triomphe, le palais Garnier, le musée du Louvre, le Sacré-Coeur, Montmartre, la Petite Ceinture... et même une statue de la Liberté ! Idéal pour tous les enfants : pour préparer ceux qui vont visiter la capitale ou pour faire rêver ceux qui ne la connaissent pas.
Un texte court en anglais
Ce livre en anglais ravira les petits étrangers, les enfants bilingues et ceux qui apprennent l'anglais, pour les familiariser avec la langue tout en découvrant notre capitale ! -
La moufle
Florence Desnouveaux, Cécile Hudrisier
- Didier jeunesse
- Les Bilingues
- 5 Octobre 2022
- 9782278057320
Par une journée de grand froid, Souris se promène et trouve une moufle en laine rouge sur la neige. Toute contente, elle se blottit à l'intérieur. Puis arrivent Lièvre, Renard, Sanglier et enfin Ours Potelé qui voudraient bien, eux aussi, profiter de l'aubaine !
La version française est proposée en fin d'ouvrage.
En partenariat avec l'École Ukrainienne de Paris Saint Volodymyr. -
Le loup qui ne voulait plus marcher
Orianne Lallemand, Eléonore Thuillier
- Auzou
- 30 Août 2018
- 9782733856819
Retrouvez l'adaptation sonore du Loup qui ne voulait plus marcher en version bilingue anglais/français. Les petits apprendront ainsi les mois de l'année et les moyens de transport en anglais, en suivant l'histoire de leur loup préféré au fil des pages.